Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Are you up for the challenge?

Sometimes in life you have profound moments and yesterday was one for me. Lately I have noticed that I've been more negative than positive. I notice always wanting the weekend to be here, complaining about my job and having to wake up early, complaining about not seeing results after 3 weeks of working out, complaining I'm always so tired, complaining of not having my husband home more, complaining of why good things happen to bad people....I'm thinking you get it. Lot's of negativity. All of that to say this, my attitude has officially changed. Positivity!!! Giving thanks for ALL the wonderful things God has blessed me with, taking time to appreciate each moment I am giving with the ones I love, enjoying the good times and not focusing on the harder ones, doing and giving to others and smiling even more!

SO I challenge you to just think about how you live your life, do you appreciate it, do you want others to look at you and see happiness or grumpiness, do you want your life to count? My grandmother used to say, don't wish your life away, and from this point on I'M NOT!

Are you ready, I AM! Enjoy every moment you are given....A merry heart doeth good like a medicine :)


Stephanie said...

I'm up for it! We can learn to be positive again together. I have to do this about every other day!!! It's so easy to get negative because that takes no effort. I'm here for you any time!

I'm glad you are back!

Johnson's said...

Let's go! It is so true... it is so easy to focus on the negative, but there are truly way more things to be positive about. Accountability is the key...we can do it!

The McIntires said...

I am with you!!