Monday, October 6, 2008

A New Beginning

I got a call from the doctor Monday morning giving me a clean bill of health! Yes, that's right, all levels are normal and I am back to myself. You can't begin to understand what that means to us. It's been a roller coaster the past two months. So, for all the prayer warriors out there, it is time to praise our Lord and give Him thanks!

So, normally the first day of school is in August, but for me this year it's October. I go back on Wednesday. I'm very excited to meet my class and get back to the "normal" routine. Although, I will dearly miss my Price is Right, it's just not the same when you DVR it and watch at night.

Send lots of thoughts and prayers, I'll post again on Wednesday night to let you know how the day went.


ThreeRingCircus said...

Jennifer, my thoughts will be with you Wednesday as you take on the first day of the rest of your year :). Those kids are lucky to have you coming, they don't even know how lucky they are yet!! :)

Stephanie said...

I will be praying for you! I look forward to seeing you again, it hasn't been the same without you. What a blesing that the doc has given you a clean bill of health as well. See you soon!

ThreeRingCircus said...

I'm thinking of you today!

Moore Memories said... was it?

The Gillaspie Family said...

Thinking about you today...