Wednesday, January 28, 2009's cold in Dallas!

Those of you that don't live here, be glad. I woke up to the wind chill of 8 and a phone call saying school had been canceled! Burrrrr, it's soooo cold! I'm ready for some warm weather.

Charley and I took advantage of the day and worked around the house. Preparations have begun for Sunday fun day Super Bowl!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Dress Up

Tonight we came home from dinner and Max was in his usual spot on the couch. But underneath him was a new shirt I bought Charley yesterday. Sooo, we decided to try it on him...then it turned into dress up! It was so funny, he was purring and biting at the same time all while trying to breathe. Gotta love a fat cat ;)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Present

Second installment.....

Where to start?? I'm a 30 year old wife, daughter, sister, aunt, teacher, friend, neighbor and Max's mommy. So many roles in life we have to play and each are unique and special.

To begin I am a wife to the most amazing man in the world! Words cannot even describe how I feel about him. If you don't know Charley and I well, you should know that our marriage is a gift from God. He is first and foremost my best friend. We enjoy being together and doing many fun things. Some of the current things that top the list include hanging out on the couch with Max watching some t.v. (we all have our favorite spots), working on the house, guitar hero, all day Sunday football, and as always talking and laughing. I remember having a conversation with my mom very recently and I tried to explain the love I had for Charley. I told her I wish that every person could have that feeling at least once in their lifetime. It's indescribable. I Love You Charley....
My next role in life would be daughter. Another heavenly relationship. My mom and I have a special bond. Although she lives in Houston, we still talk almost everyday. We try not to go tooo long without a visit, unusually every 2 months or so. Our conversations are anywhere from school stuff, Sydney's new things, Y & R, what's going on in my old town, or just life itself. I call her often just to say hello. That voice on the other line can make a bad day turn into a smile.
I'm currently teaching Kindergarten in Rockwall. This is my 7th year of teaching. It has trying days and rewarding days. I can't imagine doing anything else. I love my team and all the staff at Hartman. It really is like a family. You laugh together and cry together. Every summer I am also privileged to teach with a special group of ladies in which I love dearly.

I am so blessed to have so many friends. Each play a special part in my life. Thank you all so much! I have one friend in particular that arrived over a year and a half ago. I have never met someone that shares the same sense of humor as me. She can make me laugh out loud just when I need it the most. She has been there for me through the worst times of my life and continues to take of me. There are so many memories.....Meow!
We live in Sachse, and love it, just want a bigger yard. We have the most adorable kitty. Max is my baby. He weighs in at 19 pounds and can snuggle like no other. He sleeps on me every night, and gets so happy each time I come home. But probably because I get to feed him, ha!

Well, as for what I am enjoying right now....I LOVE grilled chicken, vegetables, salad, reece's pieces, margaritas, and chips/salsa. I like to watch Biggest Loser, Grey's, Sex&City, football, and always PIR!! Jeans and tshirts are a must, but have fun getting all dolled up. My hair is "growing", straight, layered, and brown. I'm not going to mention my weight which is a higher number that I want, and I am not happy with my physical appearance. It's a work in progress. My favorite music is contemporary Christain rock, Monte Montgomery, and my all time 311!!

I think my most important role in life is Christain and child of God. I am currently praying and believing for many things, trying to grow closer to Him. My favorite scripture is Jer. 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you.
So, there's no time like the your life to the fullest!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Past

After laying in bed last night, praying, I did some major soul searching....what factors helped mold me to the person I am today, what are changes I can make?

This will be one of 3 posts...the past, the present and the future. I'm sure they will be long, detailed, yet they will be honest and open hearted. So here's to the past....

My life began with a mother desperatly wanting a baby girl. She prayed for me and loved me before she even saw me. When mother was 8 months pregnant, her best friend Gail was killed in a car accident, which is where I get my middle name. Jennifer came with the "J's" after 2 brothers Jim and Joe.

I grew up in a small town, Shelbyville, Texas were at the time I graduated, we had the largest graduating class...42...yep 42 graduates. I lived a very sheltered, niave life. I loved playing dolls, barbies and school. Hmmm, I wonder why I'm a teacher??? Mother played the piano for our church and we were at EVERY service Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday night, revivals, prayer meetings, ect. I am thankful for my foundation in God.

I wasn't a typical child, I never rebelled. My goal in my little life was to "please" my family, my teachers, my friends, and especially my mom. We were the best of buds. We did everything together. We talked, and talked, and talked...

I had (have) 2 older, smelly, gross brothers. They loved bothering me, calling me nerd, chasing me, tickling me. Although they were very annoying at times, I still loved them and always enjoyed going to their games or when they came home from college. I was always so proud to say they were MY brothers!

High school was great, cheerleading, band, UIL, FCA, and ANY activity I could participate in, which is one of the major benefits of being from a small school. With high school came a very special person in my life, JJ. She met my brother when I was 13, so I practically grew up with her, my "sister".

This is the part of my life in which I don't like to talk about AT ALL. It was a nightmare in which I would like to put away forever. I was married at 19. Not even a year later, we were divorced for reasons I am unable to share.

Then in May of 1999, I was swept off my feet in an instant. I started working at Chili's in Mesquite and met the most ADORABLE bartender. He was so charming, he made me laugh, he made me cry, and I knew I found the love of my life. I can still close my eyes and see his smile standing behind that bar, and I can still feel the butterflies I felt the first time we kissed. We dated for over 5 years, and then were married in May of 2005.

We worked very hard, graduated from college, and started our careers together. We have been to countless concerts, watched hours of television/movies, went on many wonderful trips (Las Vegas, Disney World, Mexico). From the very beginning we were best friends!

A couple of years ago, we had a yearning to find God again in our lives. We searched and found the perfect church for us, Firewheel Bible Fellowship. Little did we know the transformation our lives would have and the impact it would have on our marriage. For the first time, we put God first where he will always be!

Over 2 years ago, Charley and I decided to start our family. Later did we find out that our dream would come to a sudden halt when I was diagnosed with infertlity. We have dealt with situations, NO ONE can even begin to imagine! It has brought a whole new level of love to our marriage.

So, as I break down my past, I find interesting things. I see that I am still a pleaser, I still have so much love in my heart for my husband, I still don't rebell, I still want to make everyone happy, I still have a wonderful family. All in all this has helped me become the Jennifer I am today.

I challenge each of you to evaluate your past, you will be amazed!

Look forward to a glimpse into the present soon......

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


You always hear children saying to their parents, why, why why. There have been several events lately that have left me asking the question...WHY? Just three little letters, how could a single word posess such great power?
I am left but to do one thing, seek God. I am dedicated to soul searching and praying for my answers. And even though I may never find them, I have no other choice but to turn to Him. For I am His child.....

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Nothing special...

It's been pretty slow around the Scamperino house lately, back to work with the same ol' routines. Charley is working a lot these days and I am officially back in school. Although I have to admit, it was not too bad. It was nice to get some rest and come back refreshed. Our next goal....planning the annual Scamperino Super Bowl Party! It's always so much fun and seems to be growing each year! Hope you new year is bringing you peace and relaxation as mine has!