Saturday, September 13, 2008

Prayers Needed

I finally heard from my family in Houston. They are in need of prayers at the moment. My mom's house was damaged and they are trying to repair it until the storms are gone. They are all out of power for 2 weeks up to a month. Luckily they have a few generators and a gas stove they can use in the meantime. They are having to boil water for now. I can't even begin to imagine how terrible that would be. So, let's all send our prayers to Houston right now....thank you!!

We need God to send blessings!


Stephanie said...

I was wondering how those in Houston were boiling water without electicity. I forgot about the camping gear. I can't even imagine being without power for that long.

I pray that you don't have to have surgery but if you do that you have a quick recovery from it.

I'm praying for you and your family.


Moore Memories said...

So glad you found a great doctor who is being aggressive! I'll talk to you soon. Praying lots for you and your you!

The McIntires said...

I am praying for your family and your body!